Vermont Christmas Snowboarding

Vermont Christmas Snowboarding

Vermont is cold. Vermont in the winter with a cold front is not fit for human habitation, much less outdoor activity. Christmas snowboarding in Vermont is for those whose blood is as thick as the local syrup.

When it’s minus 10, you better wear your big boy britches as you grab your snowboard. If you do, it really doesn’t feel that bad, as long as there is zero wind.

The ride up the ski lift will get you though. Leave no skin exposed. One or two runs down max and then its inside to warm up and drink $7 hot cocos and coffees. When you can feel your toes again, you are ready. Parts have thawed…hopefully enough to locate and utilize the parts needed to discharge that coffee. If not, a warm release into the big boy britches is always an option. Perhaps a better one.

Either way hit the slopes for another run. Repeat.

Vermont Christmas Snowboarding trip

Few pics were taken on the Smugglers Notch mountain. In those temps fingers have a hard time holding the phone much less operating the camera button. I’m not sure there was enough body temp to engage the touch screen anyway.

Vermont Christmas snowboarding
Vermont Christmas snowboarding at Smugglers Notch

December is generally a good time for Vermont skiing and snowboarding with less crowds than after Jan 1…as long as this guy isn’t on a rampage.

Vermont Christmas snowboarding

I’d call Smugglers Notch the family style resort whereas Stowe is the upscale option in that region. Both are excellent destinations for Vermont Christmas snowboarding. As for the terrain conditions, they’re as good as it gets for the East Coast. The ski areas are about 45 min from Burlington airport and there are plenty of flights available.

Vermont Christmas Snowboarding and Skiing

Travelers tip when flying Christmas evening: Food places in small airports are closed.

More importantly, so is the car rental agency even though you have a car reserved. And who woulda known there are no cabs or ubers available Christmas night in the bustling Burlington VT airport. This combination is a problem. Standing outside underdressed in 0 degree weather at midnight, with a couple dozen other passengers, is not an uplifting Silent Night moment. In fact, it can significantly lessen one’s Christmas spirit. Thank goodness the city’s largest cab company woke up to the cries for help and sent their entire 3 car fleet. Else there may have been an incident in that peace loving community with yours truly as the instigator.

Its no surprise that the land of Bernie, Ben and Jerry is quirky. Here is an example at the airport that confused this southern boy. Apparently Vermont is concerned about the Zika virus and recommends the intriguing combination of bug spray and condoms to keep us protected. Noted. But it begs the question: exactly where are these mosquitoes biting a fella?

Vermont Road clearing

Winter trip

Vermont at Christmas can be challenging even for a penguin but they make it work. Thank goodness for the best snow plowing this side of Siberia. Road clearing and syrup earn a 5 star review. Plus some pretty warm hospitality to boot. I’d be up for more of that but perhaps a summer visit to Vermont would be more my thing….properly covered in Deep Woods Off and Trojans.

Mr Wanderfool


Wisdom of the ‘Fool

Travelers tips for Vermont Christmas Snowboarding

  • Dress warmer than you think and then add a layer
  • If the high is going to be in the negatives, find indoor fun. Seek out a syrup museum
  • Double check rental car hours at the Burlington Airport
  • Rent a 4 wheel drive
  • Bring ample supplies of bug spray and condoms
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Vermont Christmas snowboarding

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